NOW AVAILABLE! Archive Collection Jabba the Hutt™ Early Concept Maquette Replica

UPDATE – these editions are now available on our Star Wars™ Archive Collection page! FIRST LOOK at the Signature and Legacy Editions for this new early Jabba the Hutt replica! The latest replica in our Archive Collection is Phil Tippett’s Early Concept Maquette for Jabba the Hutt. The classic gangster from Star Wars: Return of […]

Black Friday 2024 Deals Start Now!

We’ve just launched our biggest sale of the year! Save up to a whopping 66% on select in-stock Star Wars™ and Indiana Jones™ decor!

Our 2024 Holiday Shipping Schedule

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPERS! Many of our items are made-to-order or hand-finished in our studio in small batches. When you order, please see the below schedule showing the latest dates to order for potential US delivery before 12/25 and learn which items may not or will not arrive before that date. If you have any […]

FIRST LOOK! Standalone Weequay™ Legacy Sketches

FIRST LOOK at our WEEQUAY LEGACY SKETCHES by Ken Ralston! This very limited Weequay™ Legacy Sketch by Ken Ralston is a special opportunity for fans to bring home a truly unique work-of-art! Several of our collectibles were created before we introduced the Legacy sketch editions. Now, we’re excited to offer standalone sketches of characters who previously […]

NOW AVAILABLE! New Regal Robot Indiana Jones™ Prop Replica!

New Indiana Jones Belloq Staff Prop Replicas from Regal Robot! UPDATE – THESE REPLICAS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR INDIANA JONES COLLECTION PAGE It belongs in your museum! Coming 11/12/24 is our Archive Collection replica of Belloq’s Ceremonial Staff as seen in the climactic sequence of Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark™! […]

NOW AVAILABLE! Archive Collection Ishi Tib™ Concept Maquette Replica

FIRST LOOK at the Signature and Legacy Editions for this new replica! UPDATE – THESE EDITIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR ARCHIVE COLLECTION PAGE The latest replica in our Archive Collection is the Ishi Tib™ Concept Maquette. The classic character from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™ is part of our Star Wars™ Archive Collection, a […]

FIRST LOOK! Gamorrean Guard™ Axe Prop Replica from our Archive Collection!

FIRST LOOK at our new Signature Edition Gamorrean Guard Axe Prop Replica! UPDATE 10/15 – THESE REPLICAS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!  VISIT OUR ARCHIVE COLLECTION PAGE TO RESERVE YOURS TODAY! We teased this new 1:1 prop replica at San Diego Comic Con this summer and here’s your first in-depth look at the final product! Part of our […]

NOW AVAILABLE! New Regal Robot Indiana Jones™ Prop Replica Coming 9/24/24!

FIRST LOOK – New Indiana Jones Temple Guard Dagger Prop Replica from Regal Robot! UPDATE – NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONE WEEK  – RESERVE YOURS HERE! It belongs in your museum! AVAILABLE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY starting 9/24, our latest Indiana Jones™ Archive Collection prop replica is the Temple Guard Dagger from Indiana Jones and the […]

NOW AVAILABLE! Archive Collection Gamorrean Guard™ Bust Concept Maquette Replica!

FIRST LOOK at the Signature and Legacy Editions for this new replica! UPDATE 9/3 – THESE EDITIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!  VISIT OUR ARCHIVE COLLECTION PAGE TO RESERVE YOURS TODAY! The latest replica in our Archive Collection is the Gamorrean Guard™ Bust Concept Maquette. The classic character from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™ is part […]

COMING 8/27! Wampa Screen-Sized Wall Bust!

Details about our new giant Wampa™  wall bust! Our Archive Collection is growing bigger once again…  this time with the giant, “Screen-Sized”, Wampa wall bust! Made to be wall mounted and the perfect companion to our Life-sized Tauntaun Bust, this Wampa is even larger than the costume made for the film, it’s scaled up to […]

MORE THAN STATUES… THEY’RE HISTORY! Making Maquettes for Return of the Jedi™

ILM Legends Share How They Used Maquettes To Design Iconic Creatures! One of our favorite things in the prop archives are the concept maquettes that were used to design creatures from the classic Star Wars™ films. We’ve spent countless hours examining and researching these, discovering who sculpted each one and exploring the history behind each […]

Our New Product Reveals from San Diego Comic Con 2024!

New Star Wars™ and Indiana Jones™ Announcements from SDCC 2024! At San Diego Comic Con on Friday, Regal Robot Creative Director Robb De Nicola was part of the Lucasfilm High End Collectibles Update Panel and he announced a number of new Star Wars and Indiana Jones creations! There’s video at the bottom of the post […]

NOW AVAILABLE! Archive Collection Bib Fortuna™ Concept Maquette Replica!

NOW AVAILABLE! Bib Fortuna™ Concept Maquette Replica – Signature and Legacy Editions! UPDATE – THESE EDITIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR OUR ARCHIVE COLLECTION PAGE! The latest replica in our Archive Collection is the Bib Fortuna™ Concept Maquette. The classic character from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™ is part of our Star Wars™ Archive Collection, a […]

NOW AVAILABLE! Archive Collection Jar Jar Binks™ Concept Maquette Replicas!

Jar Jar Binks™ Concept Maquette Replica – Signature and Legacy Editions Coming May 21st!   UPDATE – THESE EDITIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR OUR ARCHIVE COLLECTION PAGE! We are commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace™ with a detailed replica of one of the original Jar Jar Binks™ Concept Maquettes in two […]

NOW AVAILABLE – Ree-Yees™ Numbered Edition Concept Maquette Replica!

By Popular Demand – NEW Numbered Edition Ree-Yees™ Concept Maquette Replica  UPDATE -This is NOW AVAILABLE! RESERVE YOURS HERE On April 23rd at 12 Noon EST fans will have a chance to order this new, limited Numbered Edition Ree-Yees Concept Maquette Replica. The original Signature Edition of this maquette sold out in just a few […]