Regal Robot founder, Tom Spina, interviewed on!
The official Star Wars™ website’s posted a lengthy and in depth interview with our company founder called, “How Tom Spina and Regal Robot are Bringing Star Wars Home.” Tom talks about the inspiration that led to the creation of Regal Robot, and digs into his team at Tom Spina Design’s work restoring original movie props, recreating Star Wars aliens for commercials and more.
Some notable excerpts:
On the original Han Solo™ Carbonite Desk that inspired it all – “…we had a Grammy Award-winning musician [Mark Hall] ask us to make him a cool desk that he could then auction for charity, and he brought up the idea of doing something Star Wars. We went through a whole bunch of different ideas and designs with him and when the idea of Han Solo in carbonite came up, we mocked it up and immediately went, ‘Well, that’s cool! We have to make that.'”
On making trips to Lucasfilm and the Lucasfilm Archives – “‘Oh no, I have to go to the archives again. Oh no!’ Said no one ever.”
On restoring the original Muftak costume from Star Wars – “He was in real need, both inside and out, when it got here. He was covered in years of dust from having been in Rick Baker’s shop for so long. When we got him here, we shampooed him…twice. We vacuumed him. We did all of this work to restore that thing, and at the end of it, there he is! He came to us in a heap and left proud.”
Want to know more? You can read the whole interview at today!
And remember – We love creating original works of functional art for specific clients who dream as big as we do. Click here to make learn more about our unprecedented Custom Studio Services or make your custom Star Wars furniture or decor request here today!