NEW! Star Wars Restraining Bolt Magnet!

NEW and NOW SHIPPING – Droid Restraining Bolt Magnets! Our latest Star Wars™ magnetic mini sculpture line is the Restraining Bolt magnet! First seen in Star Wars: A New Hope™, restraining bolts were used in the films to keep droids from wandering off. Our new magnet was 3D modeled taking inspiration and proper sizing from the original found item […]

Customer Photo Gallery – CZ-3™ Numbered Edition Bust

LOW STOCK ALERT! Our Star Wars™ CZ-3 Life-sized Droid Bust – Order Today! We love seeing our creations in the homes of our clients and friends… and we’ve gotten so many that we needed to share! Below you’ll find a selection of great photos by customers showcasing their Regal Robot CZ-3 Life-sized Prop Replica Bust on […]